
Friday, August 31, 2018

Rkt - Getting Started with RKT

We all know how docker has taken the world of containers but it’s not perfect either. Docker has its own flaws and problems. Docker architecture is Flawed - The first problem when people talk about docker is about its architecture. It is fundamentally flawed. What exactly does this mean? in Linux, Init is a abbreviation for initialization....
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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Resource Management

A Capacity Planning Is used to determine the resources needed in order to meet the future workflow demands. In Kubernetes resource management is very important. We learned that scheduler is the component that identifies best nodes for creating pods. The Scheduler has to take into account many factors when it is scheduling pods on nodes....
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Monday, August 13, 2018

Kubernetes Deployment Strategy - Blue/Green

In this 3 post we will see how to do a blue/green deployment. A blue/green deployment is different from the rolling update in which a green version of the application is deployed along with the blue version. After testing the green version and once satisfied we will update the service to point to the green version. This way we will route...
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