Monit -
In production environment , the Ops team manages and ensures that the
application is performing as desired and it is up and running all the time.
Continuous monitoring is the process and technology used to detect compliance
and risk issues with an organization operational environment.
This requires that Ops team uses tools that
can monitor application performance and issues.
It is often job of the Ops team to sit with
the Dev team in building self-monitoring or analytics gathering capabilities
right into the application they build. This will allow a end-to-end monitoring
In this article we will see a monitoring
tool called "monit" which is a tool that not only automatically
monitors and managers server programs but also ensures that the programs stay
online. They also monitors and manages the file size, checksum or permissions
are always correct.
Monit is said to be a process supervision
tool which is a form of operating system service management in which some master process remains the parent of the service
Some of the advantages of Monit include
1. Monit can react for an error
condition. Consider if an process like apache or nginx goes down, the monit
process can identify that and start them
2. Can be used to monitor file systems ,
directories and files for changes such as timestamps changes, checksum changes
or size changes
3. Can be used to monitor system
resources like CPU ,Memory etc
4. It can also be used to monitor process
, Ports and can be used to run programs that needs execution at specific time.
To install monit , run the "yum
install monit" on Centos system. Once installed we can see a file called
"/etc/monitrc" file which is a single configuration file for monit
where we can configure resources to be monitored.
Before starting monit there are few
modifications that needs to be done.
1. un comment the Httpd Port in the
/etc/monitrc file
Enable Httpd port
2. Un comment the "set httpd port
2812" and the preceding lines for checking the monit web page using httpd
set httpd port 2812 and
use address # only
accept connection from localhost
allow # allow
localhost to connect to the server and
allow admin:monit # require
user 'admin' with password 'monit'
3. Make sure you change the IP address in
place of the localhost as above.
4.Start HTTPD for accessing the Monit Web page
5. To check whether the configuration of
monit correct or not we can use the
[root@puppet etc]# monit -t
Control file syntax OK
6. Start the monit process.
Once the monit process is successfully
started , we can see the above Webpage by accessing "IP
address:2812". use "admin" as user name and "monit" as
password for accessing the web page.
Now once the process is started, Lets start
monitoring a process and System resource.
1. Monitor
a process - Now in order to monitor a process we can use the pid file for
that process. Lets see how we can monitor the Jenkins process.
1. Check for the Pid file for the jenkins (
check for the jenkins script to see where it is created)
2. Once the jenkins pid location is
available , configure the monit for monitoring the jenkins. add the below content to the /etc/monitrc file
#Check Jenkins
check process jenkins with pidfile
start program = "/etc/init.d/jenkins start" with timeout 60
stop program =
"/etc/init.d/jenkins stop"
Monit uses its own Domain Specific Language
(DSL). Service checks are done by using the keyword "check" followed
by the service name. The server name can be anything but unique to be
identified by monit. This name is used by monit to refer to the service internally
and in all interactions with the user.
In the above snippet, we have written a
snippet which will check for the jenkins process by monitoring the
file. we also made sure that if the process is stopped for some reason the
commands to start and stop available. We also configured monit to check the
jenkins process for every 60 seconds.
For testing ,stop the jenkins process and
confirm that the jenkins pid file is removed. Once the process is stopped wait
for 60 seconds to see the log below in /var/log/monit.log
[root@puppet run]# tail -f
[EDT Aug
5 05:11:52] info : Monit
daemon with pid [18347] stopped
[EDT Aug
5 05:11:52] info : 'puppet'
Monit 5.14 stopped
[EDT Aug
5 05:30:10] info : Starting
Monit 5.14 daemon with http interface at []:2812
[EDT Aug
5 05:30:10] info : Starting
Monit HTTP server at []:2812
[EDT Aug
5 05:30:10] info : Monit HTTP
server started
[EDT Aug
5 05:30:10] info : 'puppet'
Monit 5.14 started
[EDT Aug
5 05:30:10] error : 'jenkins'
process is not running
[EDT Aug
5 05:30:10] info : 'jenkins'
trying to restart
[EDT Aug
5 05:30:10] info : 'jenkins'
start: /etc/init.d/jenkins
[EDT Aug
5 05:30:41] info : 'jenkins'
process is running with pid 21640
We can see the the jenkins process is
started after 60 seconds since it is stopped.
Upon Checking the web console, we can see
2. Monitor
System Stats -
Lets write the below snippet in the monitrc
file for monitoring the Load average of a local system.
check system $HOST
loadavg (1min) > 0.90 then alert
loadavg (5min) > 0.95 then alert
In the above snippet we are checking
whether the load average of the system in 1 minute is more than 0.90 then alert
or alert if the load average of the system in 5 minutes is more than 0.95. In
order to test the condition execute the dd command as "dd if=/dev/zero
of=/dev/null" in other console which will make the load average to high.
Once the load average is more than thershold
defined we can see the below in the log files.
[EDT Aug
5 05:55:13] info : 'puppet'
Monit 5.14 started
[EDT Aug
5 05:56:13] error : 'puppet'
loadavg(1min) of 0.9 matches resource limit [loadavg(1min)<0.8]
And we can also see the web console which
shows the status as "Resource Limit Reached.
More to come on Monit. Happy learning :-)
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