
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Sonar Integration with maven

In the next series of sonar, we will see how we can integrate sonar with maven and use maven command in analyzing the source code of a project and display the results on the sonarqube console.

1. Make sure JDK,Maven and Sonar are available ( with sonar running ).
2. Make the changes to the global maven setting.xml file available at location ~/.m2
3. Add the pluginGroups as,

4. Add the Profile pointing the location of the sonar console as,


4. Once the changes are done, Move to you java application and run,

[puppet@root$:/work/testing/javaee7-simple-sample]$ mvn clean verify sonar:sonar
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building javaee7-simple-sample 1.11-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-war-plugin:2.3:war (default-war) @ javaee7-simple-sample ---
[INFO] Packaging webapp
[INFO] Assembling webapp [javaee7-simple-sample] in [/work/testing/javaee7-simple-sample/target/javaee7-simple-sample]
[INFO] Processing war project
[INFO] Copying webapp resources [/work/testing/javaee7-simple-sample/src/main/webapp]
[INFO] Webapp assembled in [63 msecs]
[INFO] Building war: /work/testing/javaee7-simple-sample/target/javaee7-simple-sample.war
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building javaee7-simple-sample 1.11-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- sonar-maven-plugin:3.0.2:sonar (default-cli) @ javaee7-simple-sample ---
 [INFO] User cache: /root/.sonar/cache
[INFO] SonarQube version: 4.5.7
[INFO] Default locale: "en_US", source code encoding: "UTF-8"
[INFO] [02:21:17.060] Load global referentials...
[INFO] [02:21:17.393] Load global referentials done: 334 ms
[INFO] [02:21:17.411] User cache: /root/.sonar/cache
[INFO] [02:21:17.420] Install plugins
[INFO] [02:21:17.739] Install JDBC driver
[INFO] [02:21:17.743] Create JDBC datasource for jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/sonar
[INFO] [02:21:18.596] Initializing Hibernate
[INFO] [02:21:19.930] Load project referentials...
[INFO] [02:21:20.315] Load project referentials done: 385 ms
[INFO] [02:21:20.315] Load project settings
[INFO] [02:21:21.131] Loading technical debt model...
[INFO] [02:21:21.151] Loading technical debt model done: 20 ms
[INFO] [02:21:21.153] Apply project exclusions
[INFO] [02:21:21.395] -------------  Scan javaee7-simple-sample
[INFO] [02:21:21.398] Load module settings
[INFO] [02:21:21.720] Loading rules...
[INFO] [02:21:22.089] Loading rules done: 369 ms
[INFO] [02:21:22.113] Configure Maven plugins
[INFO] [02:21:22.170] No quality gate is configured.
[INFO] [02:21:22.329] Initializer FindbugsMavenInitializer...
[INFO] [02:21:22.330] Initializer FindbugsMavenInitializer done: 1 ms
[INFO] [02:21:22.330] Base dir: /work/testing/javaee7-simple-sample
[INFO] [02:21:22.330] Working dir: /work/testing/javaee7-simple-sample/target/sonar
[INFO] [02:21:22.330] Source paths: src/main/webapp, pom.xml, src/main/java
[INFO] [02:21:22.330] Binary dirs: target/classes
[INFO] [02:21:22.331] Source encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en_US
[INFO] [02:21:22.331] Index files
[INFO] [02:21:22.363] 4 files indexed
[INFO] [02:21:22.414] Quality profile for java: Sonar way
[INFO] [02:21:22.427] Sensor JavaSquidSensor...
[INFO] [02:21:22.600] Java Main Files AST scan...
[INFO] [02:21:22.603] 4 source files to be analyzed
[INFO] [02:21:22.765] 4/4 source files analyzed
[INFO] [02:21:22.767] Java Main Files AST scan done: 167 ms
[INFO] [02:21:22.768] Java bytecode scan...
[INFO] [02:21:22.790] Java bytecode scan done: 22 ms
[INFO] [02:21:22.790] Java Test Files AST scan...
[INFO] [02:21:22.790] 0 source files to be analyzed
[INFO] [02:21:22.791] Java Test Files AST scan done: 1 ms
[INFO] [02:21:22.791] 0/0 source files analyzed
[INFO] [02:21:22.795] Package design analysis...
[INFO] [02:21:22.799] Package design analysis done: 4 ms
[INFO] [02:21:22.822] Sensor JavaSquidSensor done: 395 ms
[INFO] [02:21:22.822] Sensor QProfileSensor...
[INFO] [02:21:22.826] Sensor QProfileSensor done: 4 ms
[INFO] [02:21:22.826] Sensor InitialOpenIssuesSensor...
[INFO] [02:21:22.863] Sensor InitialOpenIssuesSensor done: 37 ms
[INFO] [02:21:22.863] Sensor ProjectLinksSensor...
[INFO] [02:21:22.866] Sensor ProjectLinksSensor done: 3 ms
[INFO] [02:21:22.867] Sensor VersionEventsSensor...
[INFO] [02:21:22.872] Sensor VersionEventsSensor done: 4 ms
[INFO] [02:21:22.872] Sensor FileHashSensor...
[INFO] [02:21:22.873] Sensor FileHashSensor done: 1 ms
[INFO] [02:21:22.873] Sensor SurefireSensor...
[INFO] [02:21:22.874] parsing /work/testing/javaee7-simple-sample/target/surefire-reports
[WARN] [02:21:22.874] Reports path not found: /work/testing/javaee7-simple-sample/target/surefire-reports
[INFO] [02:21:22.874] Sensor SurefireSensor done: 1 ms
[INFO] [02:21:22.874] Sensor Maven dependencies...
[INFO] [02:21:22.897] Sensor Maven dependencies done: 23 ms
[INFO] [02:21:22.897] Sensor CPD Sensor (wrapped)...
[INFO] [02:21:22.897] JavaCpdEngine is used for java
[INFO] [02:21:22.898] Cross-project analysis disabled
[INFO] [02:21:22.917] Sensor CPD Sensor (wrapped) done: 20 ms
[INFO] [02:21:23.018] Execute decorators...
[INFO] [02:21:23.121] Store results in database
[INFO] [02:21:23.208] ANALYSIS SUCCESSFUL, you can browse
[INFO] [02:21:23.255] Executing post-job class org.sonar.plugins.core.issue.notification.SendIssueNotificationsPostJob
[INFO] [02:21:23.255] Executing post-job class org.sonar.plugins.core.batch.IndexProjectPostJob
[INFO] [02:21:23.272] Executing post-job class org.sonar.plugins.dbcleaner.ProjectPurgePostJob
[INFO] [02:21:23.283] -> Keep one snapshot per day between 2016-07-27 and 2016-08-23
[INFO] [02:21:23.284] -> Keep one snapshot per week between 2015-08-26 and 2016-07-27
[INFO] [02:21:23.284] -> Keep one snapshot per month between 2011-08-31 and 2015-08-26
[INFO] [02:21:23.284] -> Delete data prior to: 2011-08-31
[INFO] [02:21:23.288] -> Clean javaee7-simple-sample [id=1]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 38.600 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-08-24T02:21:23-04:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 30M/319M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Once the Build is success we can see the results in the console as,

More to Come, Happy learning J

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