
Friday, August 26, 2016

Jenkins – SMTP setup

There is always a need for getting the Status of the nightly Build that we configure. Jenkins does provide a Email Notification option which allows us to configure Email Notifications that can be used to get the status of the Build. In this article we will see how we can configure the SMTP Configuration in Jenkins and get a mail for...
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Jenkins Slave – Remote Host With SSH

In the previous article we have seen how we can configure a Jenkins slave on a remote machine. In this article we will see how we can configure Slave on the remote machine using SSH configuration. 1. On the Remote machine (Ex- create a SSH Key. Use the Same Jenkins User as we configured in the last article. Login as...
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Jenkins Slave – Remote Host

As we already know that Jenkins besides acting as a continuous integration tool allows other configuration options including master – slave configuration. We already discussed master-slave configuration (Check Here for details). In this article we will see how we can configure Slave on a Remote Host using the Username and password. 1....
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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Sonar Integration with maven

In the next series of sonar, we will see how we can integrate sonar with maven and use maven command in analyzing the source code of a project and display the results on the sonarqube console. 1. Make sure JDK,Maven and Sonar are available ( with sonar running ). 2. Make the changes to the global maven setting.xml file available...
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SonarQube - Static Code Analysis

Testing is one of the important aspects of code to identify various issues that can occur while running the code. At the same time it is necessary to examine the code quality while moving the code to production. Static analysis also called as static code analysis is a method of debugging that is done by examining the code without...
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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

PSSH – Parallel SSH

Many times we use SSH to login to the remote machines, Copy files, perform administrative tasks. But in all the cases we do these operations machine by machine i.e. we log to one machine perform the operations and then log out to go to the next machine. If we want to increase the productivity with SSH, we can use Tools that allow commands to be executed on multiple remote machines simultaneously. Parallel SSH is one such tool...
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