
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Kubernetes - Volumes with EmptyDir and Memory

There will be always cases where we need to save data on to a drive or disk. Pods when stopped will destroy the data stored inside the container. Node reboots also clear any data from the Ram based disks. There are many times where we need  some shared spacer have containers that process data and hand it off to another container...
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Monday, May 21, 2018

Kubernetes - kubectl Check Sheet

Kubernetes Cheat Sheet kubectl label nodes work-node1 label=node1 : Label a Node "work-node1" with "node1" kubectl exec testing-service -c test-ser -it -- bash : Connect to the container test-ser in the pod testing-service kubectl exec testing-service -c test-ser free : Run a command in the container "test-ser" in pod "testing-service" kubectl...
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Kubernetes - Container Life Cycle

Kubernetes lets us to attach life cycle events to containers that are going to create. We can attach the events to containers so that they execute along with containers.  There are 2 events called postStart and preStart. K8 sends the postStart event immediately after the container is created. The postStart handler runs asynchronously...
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Kubernetes - Init Containers

In kubernetes, a Pod can have multiple containers running apps. Beside these application containers we can also have a init Containers which run before the app containers are started. So lets take a use case, we want to have a application Container running in a Pop which has a Volume attached to the Pod. our requirement is that before...
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Sunday, May 20, 2018

Kubernetes - Config Map

While working with application running inside containers, there will be always be a need for the config file. Application that need to connect to backends and other config values are always sent as a configuration files. When we have our application in a container , the dependencies and configurations are also need to be added as a part...
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