
Monday, February 22, 2016

Ansible vault

While working with automation it is necessary to have a secure system to store various details like Password, variable, SSH keys etc. Ansible does provide a facility called vault which helps sys admin to store sensitive data and use the vault while running playbooks on remote machines. In this article we will how we can use Ansible vault...
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Ansible Monitor-Alert

At an infra and application level we need to have several monitoring metrics configured right from CPU, memory to application leavel such as Heap and mumber of Database connections. Also, from an infrastructure automation point of view, you need to make sure you start a strong feedback loop by integrating automation with your monitoring...
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Ansible delegation

Ansible by default run the task all at once on the remote configure machine. What If a task is based on status of a certain command on another machine?. Say if you are patching a package on a machine and you need to continue until a certain file is available on another machine. This is done in Ansible using the delegation option. By...
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Ansible Tags

Tags are another feature in Ansible that is used to run only a subset of tasks/roles. When we have tasks in a playbook and we executed the playbook then all tasks are executed. Byt by using the tags we can make the playbook to execute only a subset of tasks by defining them with tag attribute. In this article we will see how we can create...
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Ansible Roles- An advanced Example

In the previous article we have seen how we can use the Ansible roles in running the playbook on remote machine. In this article we will see a more advanced example of using Ansible roles. In this article we will see how we can configure a bacic Tomcat server on the remote machine using Roles. 1) Lets Create a Directory Structure...
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Ansible Roles

Unilt now we have seen how we can write playbooks and using them with Ansible-playbook command to run them on the remote machine. Ansible playbook is very usefull when we have a limited number of machines and a limited number of changes that needs to be done the remote machine. Consider a case where we want to configure a system with...
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