
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Jenkins with Github

In this article we will see how we can configure Jenkins with Github. Our goal is to make Jenkins pull code from the Github repository and build that code locally. 1) The basic steps are to configure the Github with a repository and push some code. Use the articles from the Git. 2) Once the code is pushed to the Github, we need to...
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Basic Git-Hub Configuration

As we already discussed that GitHub is a web based Git repository hosting service. It offers all of the distributed version control and source code management functionality of Git as well as adding it own features. This article will provide you the basic of the Git hub configuration. 1) Go to the and create a account 2)...
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Basics of Git-Hub

Most people now are days are not using the remote repository a local one. Instead they are using the online repositories for storing their code. If the application is an Open source one , keeping the code available online can make developers download the code and make the changes freely. Git Hub is one such thing. GitHub is a Web-based...
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Monday, December 28, 2015

Python Functional Programming

Python is classified as a "hybrid" language. It supports the functional programming paradigm, but equally supports imperative paradigms (both procedural and object-oriented). Functions as Objects - Functions are first-class objects in Python, meaning they have attributes and can be referenced and assigned to variables. High Order functions...
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Basics of DevOps

Agile , a process which require a disciplined approach to ensure that customer feedback, continuous testing, and iterative development actually lead to frequent deliveries of working, valuable software. Similarly DevOps is a software development method that stresses communications, collaboration, integration, automation and measurement...
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Git with Git-hub

In this article we will see how we can configure our local repository to connect to the Git hub remote repository and push our code to the remote repository. 1) Initialize a Git repository using "git init" 2) Now create a couple of files. add and commit to the local repository [root@vx111a Mytest]# git add ReadMe [root@vx111a Mytest]# git add [root@vx111a Mytest]# cat public class hai {  public...
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Basics of GIT-HUB

Most people now are days are not using the remote repository a local one. Instead they are using the online repositories for storing their code. If the application is an Open source one , keeping the code available online can make developers download the code and make the changes freely. Git Hub is one such thing. GitHub is a Web-based...
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Maven with GIT

In this article we will see how we can configure git with Maven. For this we need to create a Git Repository and then create a maven based application on this. The same thing can be further used in Jenkins with Git Configuration. The important thing to remember here is when you run the maven command make sure you create a directory...
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Advanced Git

We have seen the basics of Git and how to create a basic repository and commit files. In this next article we will see the advanced topics of git. Git Configuration – In order to communicate with the remote repository from our local repository we need to configure user name and email so that git repository will identify who has done...
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