
Monday, March 24, 2014

Solaris P-commands

As we know , every thing in linux is a file . what ever we open or execute we deal with files. With the /proc virtual file system, even processes may be treated like files. /proc (or procfs) is a virtual file system that allows us to examine processes like files. This means that /proc allows us to use file-like operations and intuitions when looking at processes. /proc does not occupy disk space;...
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Tuesday, March 18, 2014


As we have seen how IP address in a local network are added with arp , in the same way if we need to search for IP address outside of the network we  need to have some thing called gateway/router. A gateway is simply a machine that connects to more than one network and can therefore take packets transmitted within one network and re-transmit them on other networks it is connected to. The Linux command “route”  allows...
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Hot Plug a CPU in Linux

There are cases where application needs more performance during a period of time. In those times it is always good if we have an option to add additional Processing System with out a System Reboot. In this article we will see how we can add a additional CPU to the existing ones with out a System reboot. Some times applications include Instant Capacity on Demand where extra CPUs are present in a system but aren't activated....
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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Trouble Shooting High I/O In Linux

I/O analysis in Linux is very important when we see the System is performing slow. First we need to make sure that the system is performing slowly due to the High I/0. Disk I/O encompasses the input/output operations on a physical disk. If you’re reading data from a file on a disk, the processor needs to wait for the file to be read. During this process, the access time is very important. This is the time taken for a process...
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Monday, March 3, 2014

Uptime explained

When we see high load on a System, we are talking about the load-average of the system. In this article we will see how the load average can be used to identify issues. The load average can be obtained either by running command omhq199e:dwls999-~ $ uptime  01:03:24 up 15 days, 14:30,2 users,  load average: 1.30, 1.32, 0.89 Or we can get the same details using the top command too like, omhq199e:dwls999-~ $...
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