
Friday, December 20, 2013

Weblogic Watch and Notifications

In this article we will see how we can use the Watches and Noti­fi­ca­tions.
  • Watch: this com­po­nent is used to mon­i­tor the MBean attributes.
  • Noti­fi­ca­tion: this com­po­nent includes the events which are trig­gered based on the val­ues set in the watch. There can be dif­fer­ent types of alert like SNMP alerts, JMS Mes­sages, JMX noti­fi­ca­tions etc.
In this article we will see how we can use Weblogic WLDF to interact with JMS along with the configuration of the Watch and Notifications

Create a WLDF Diagnostic Module
1. Click on the Diagnostic Modules in the Weblogic Console
2. In the next Screen, enter the name for the Diagnostic Module. Save

Even though the Diagnostic module was created, it did not have any metrics enabled. Click on the newly Created Diag­nos­tic mod­ule and select the Con­fig­u­ra­tion tab and Col­lected Met­rics sub tab.

3. Click New in the Configuration tab.
4. In the next screen we can choose between “Server run­time” and “Domain run­time” met­rics. (The for­mer means that met­rics will be col­lected at server level; the other option, Domain Run­time, pro­vides access to the Domain Wide met­rics and is avail­able only for the Admin Server)
Select the ‘Domain Runtime’ Metric

5. In the next Screen, Select the ‘’

6. In the next screen, specify which attribute of the Mbean you want to monitor. For instance select ‘HeapSizeMax’.

7. In the next Screen, select the server instance which you want to monitor. Click finish and the collection metrics is created.

The Watch and Notification system can be used to create automated monitors that observe specific diagnostic state and send notifications based on configured rules.

Watch:- It is basically used to monitor the Mbean attributes.

Notifications: There are the events which are triggered based on the values set in the watch. There can be different kind of alerts like SNMP alerts, JMS Messages, JMX notifications etc.

Now let’s create a notification first which sends notification messages to the JMS Sub System. For this we need to Configure JMS In weblogic which is available here.

Create a Notification
1. Click the Newly Created Diagnostic Module.
2. Click on the Watches and Notifications tab.
3. Go to the Notification tab and click New.
4. In the next Screen, select the Type as ‘JMS Message’

5. In the next Screen, Enter a Name for the Notification. Make Sure ‘enable notification’ check box is checked.

6. In the next screen enter a the JMS Details, in this case , JNDI name is ‘Queue1’ and Connection Factory JNDI Name is “CF1’

7. Click Finish

Create a Watch
1. Click the Newly Created Diagnostic Module.
2. Click on the Watches and Notifications tab.
3. Go to the Watch tab and click New.
4. In the next screen, enter the watch name and watch Type as ‘Collected Metrics’ and make sure ‘enable Watch’ is checked.

5. In the next screen, Click on the Add Expression button which takes us to the next screen.

6. In the next screen, select the ‘Domain Runtime’ for MBean Server Location.

7. In the next screen , select the ‘’ for the MBean type.

8.  In the next screen, select the Instance

9.  In the next screen, enter the Details
Message Attribute = HeapSizeMax
Operator = >
Value = 10

and click on Finish to come back to the Create watch.
10. In the next Screen make sure to check ‘Use an automatic reset alarm’.

11. In the last screen, select the Notifications available to Choosen.

12. Finish

Target the WLDF to any of the servers whose MBeans are monitored.

Now Check the Server logs to see

WatchRuleType: Harvester
WatchRule: (${DomainRuntime//[]com.bea:Location=AdminServer,Name=AdminServer.......)
WatchData: com.bea:Location=AdminServer,Name=AdminServer,ServerRuntime=AdminServer,Type=JVMRuntime//HeapSizeMax = 477233152
WatchAlarmType: AutomaticReset
WatchAlarmResetPeriod: 60000 

If we compile the class in the here , we can see messages coming like
Message Received: MapMessage[ID:<114623.1387464249708.0>]
Message Received: MapMessage[ID:<114623.1387464319708.0>]

More to Come , Happy Learning