
Friday, September 27, 2013

Secure Socket Layer

Internet traffic needs to be encrypted when we are passing confidential data across the network. Now every thing on the internet needs to be encrypted, but when we are contacting a Online back for performing operations. We should encrypt the data like user name and password and send them to the web site. When you logon to your bank’s...
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Web Logic Node Manager Issues

When I was trying to Configure a Node Manager I faced different kinds of exceptions. One of them is WARNING: Uncaught exception in server [Security:090482]BAD_CERTIFICATE alert was received from - Check the peer to determine why it rejected the certificate chain (trusted CA configuration, hostname verification). SSL debug tracing may be required to determine the...
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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Java Issues : java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

In many Cases , we see Out Of Memory Issues When Working with Java Applications on the Web logic or some other Servers. “GC overhead limit exceeded” is generally thrown by the Garbage Collectors that we use for the JVM. This is generally thrown by serial or parallel collectors. The issue comes when more amount of time is spent in doing the Garabage Collection and very less than 2% of the heap is recovered. This may...
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Web logic : Node Manager

In production Environments we always maintain several number of Clusters that are spanned over multiple physical machines. In the case of weblogic , we create managed nodes for different cluster on different machines to provide high availability and also to eliminate single point of failure. For allowing remote web logic Nodes to be started, stopped and recycled Web logic provides a utility called “Node Manager”. These are...
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Weblogic : Migrating a Web Logic Domain from a 32 to a 64 bit JVM/Architecture

When we have a 32bit OS , we do have an Issue with the allocation of the memory. By limit, a 32 bit OS, will not be able to allocate more than 3 GB on a Linux environment, or 2 GB for Windows environment When this limit is reached, a migration to a 64 bit architecture is recommended. Here are the Steps on how to Migrate a Weblogic Domain from a 32Bit to 64Bit Req: Weblogic Server Version: WebLogic Server...
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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Web Logic Tips

Web logic Server Over Load Protection A Node in weblogic can be in any during its working. Web logic allows us to tune the server when the state of the server goes to a Over-Load State A running server instance can fail as a result of out-of-memory exceptions or stuck application threads, or if one or more critical services become dysfunctional. A server instance monitors its health, and upon detecting that one or more...
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Monday, September 23, 2013

Tomcat : Password Encryption Policy

Passwords in tomcat are defined in the tomcat-user.xml file .The passwords in this file are defined in a plain text format. Normally in tomcat a UserDatabaseRealm exits which reads the users for the tomcat-users.xml file to authenticate the users The Plain Text passwords can be changed by using a digest available in tomcat .The plain text passwords are not good in side the production environments, these can be encoded by...
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Weblogic : Admin Password Reset

There are many cases where we need to reset the admin password for web logic. Here is a Process of how we can reset the password for the web logic admin account. 1.Set up the Environment for the Web logic Domain $ cd $MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/domains/{your_domain}/bin/ where your_domain is the domain_name for your Web logic domain $ cd /root/Oracle/MiddleWare/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin Execute the...
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Thursday, September 19, 2013

SSL Configuration On Tomcat

This post is a walk through on how to Configure SSL on Tomcat. The document is divided into 3 parts Create a keystore file using Java Configure Tomcat to use the keystore Test it 1.Create a keyStore File For Creating the key Store file ,we use the keytool command available with JDK. Use the tool as C:\software\jboss\EWS\1.0>keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA Enter keystore password: Re-enter new...
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Weblogic : Migrating Web logic Managed Nodes from One Physical machine to another

There are couple of things that we need to manage when we are dealing with the Migration of Managed Nodes. When Ever We migrate a Weblogic domain, the files that are available by default are All files and directories in the source domain are included, leaving these: •Temporary files that are created when you start a server •The servers directory •Files in the security directory that are created automatically when...
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