
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Recover Accidently Deleted Files from Linux

While working as an admin, there are some times where I would remove some important log files or configuration files accidently. If we are working on a GUI based Linux Environment we can recover the file form the Trash but when we are working on a Command line Linux mode its is a little complex. This article tells you how to recover a file that is accidently deleted in the linux command line mode. Consider a Tomcat process...
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Friday, July 19, 2013


Netcat is a versatile tool that is able to read and write data across TCP and UDP network.It's often used for testing and debugging network connections. In its most basic usage, netcat allows you to feed a stream of data to a specific port on a specific host What exactly netcat does is it opens the connection between two machines and give back two streams. More advanced used of this command is that You can build a server,...
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Syslog-ng : log Consolidation -Tailing Files

Consider a case where we need to use the syslog-ng for files that dont use any log4j configuration. Consider if you want the garbage logs to be sent to the syslog server , but these logs are being updated by the Java JVM , so there is no way for using any sort of log4j configuration for this. In this case we can use the syslog-ng in this way , 1.Configure the /syslog-ng/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf with #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ...
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Syslog-ng : log Consolidation

Application teams some times require to save their logs for a longer period so that they can analyze them after some time. In most cases the server that are running the application holds the logs files , but in production environment there is always a issues of Disk Space. How can we send log files to a different location which can be used as a Log server? Syslog-ng is a pacakge available in linux which can be used...
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Thursday, July 4, 2013

JBoss Operations Network CLI (JON CLI)

I recenlty faced a task where i need to change all the userNames and Password of the JBoss EWP Instances.Even though i was aware of how to do this , there is another step that needs to be done after this.I need to update the JON ( JBoss Operations Network) too with the Updated Credentials.But since there are more than 50 Ewp Instances , i cant login to JON for every Instances and Change. JBoss Operations Network provides a...
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