
Monday, June 10, 2013

JBoss Command Line Interface

There used to be a tool called twiddle which is a command line utility for connecting to servers and queried the MBeans on the Server. This utility is no being replaced by More better tool called the Command Line Interface (CLI) which is available in /bin location in JBoss Directory.

We can start this tool by executing the “” script.For this to work , we need to start the server first and then use the command to connect.Once you execute this script , the first thing we need to do is to connect the server running like

You are disconnected at the moment. Type 'connect' to connect to the server or 'help' for the list of supported com
[disconnected /] connect
[standalone@localhost:9999 /]

Once you issue the “Connect” command , it connects to the existing server.
Starting from the Jboss 7 release there is security enabled by default on the Jboss 7 distribution for remote clients. Thus management interfaces are secured by default to prevent unauthorized remote access whilst still allowing access for local users for an easier out of the box experience.

If you are connecting to a remote host controller, then you need to provide your credentials:

./ --connect <IP Address>
Authenticating against security realm: <IP Address>
Connected to standalone controller at <IP Address>:9999
[standalone@ /]

Basic Commands

The Command line interface can perform a lot of use full management related commands on the server.

Reload | Reload the Server Configuration:Use the Reload Command to reload the Server Configuration

[localhost:9999 /] :reload
The new server structure

Stopping JBoss
We can use CTRL+C to stop a Jboss Server. We can also use Jboss CLI to perform this like

[disconnected /] connect
Connected to localhost:9999
[localhost:9999 /] :shutdown

Pass Arguments
We can also pass arguments to the jboss-cli script for performing the Shutdown like --connect command=:shutdown # Unix / Linux

Directory Structure
We can also use Jboss-CLI to browse the Mbeans of the Jboss server to get various details. This looks much like the file system directory structure like

[standalone@localhost:9999 /] ls
core-service deployment extension
interface path socket-binding-group
subsystem system-property launch-type=STANDALONE
management-major-version=1 management-micro-version=0 management-minor-version=3
name=pkmi-ds057e95c namespaces=[] process-type=Server
product-name=EAP product-version=6.0.1.GA profile-name=undefined
release-codename=Arges release-version=7.1.3.Final-redhat-4 running-mode=NORMAL
schema-locations=[] server-state=running

we can use the “ls” command for viewing the contents of the current Directory Structure.

Consider it we need to find details about the application in web Sub Sytems , we can use

[standalone@localhost:9999 subsystem=web] ls -l /deployment=myApp.war/subsystem=web
active-sessions 0 INT
context-root /myApp STRING
duplicated-session-ids 0 INT
expired-sessions 0 INT
max-active-sessions 0 INT
rejected-sessions 0 INT
session-avg-alive-time 0 INT
session-max-alive-time 0 INT
sessions-created 0 INT
virtual-host default-host STRING

servlet n/a n/a

Disable an Application
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] /deployment=myApp.war:undeploy()

Enable an Applications
[standalone@localhost:9999 /] /deployment=myApp .war:deploy()

Redeploy the Applications

[standalone@localhost:9999 /] /deployment=myApp .war:redeploy

Happy learning