
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

High CPU Usage

High Cpu Usage is one issue that could cause a big damage to the production environment. Finding out the exact reason for the high CPU usage is very important in production environment.

As a Application Server admin, there are many cases where I need to find the exact reason for the High CPU usage. There can be many reasons for the High CPU Usage like
A server process it self (tomcat , Jboss or weblogic )
User Created Threads
Bad Coding Practices
Third Party Libraries we are using.

But Finding the exact reason for the High Cpu Usage can be difficult some times. This article explains a way of finding the reasons for a High Cpu Usage.

In Most production environments , alerts are configured to make sure mails are sent when ever there is high memory usage or a high Cpu usage.

Consider if you got the alerts , the first thing we need to do is

1.Run the “top” command to find the process which was taking the high Cpu.

top - 22:58:19 up 42 days, 3:33, 2 users, load average: 6.33, 6.56, 6.80
Tasks: 111 total, 1 running, 110 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 71.4%us, 0.9%sy, 0.1%ni, 26.9%id, 0.3%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.2%si, 0.3%st
Mem: 4194304k total, 4033112k used, 161192k free, 806868k buffers
Swap: 4194296k total, 52k used, 4194244k free, 926320k cached

16361 djbs002 20 0 941m 244m 9.9m S 107.7 6.0 71:31.83 java
21386 djbs002 24 0 846m 58m 6168 S 49.0 1.4 7036:11 java
2930 djbs002 18 0 845m 44m 6108 S 19.6 1.1 561:22.14 java
30116 djbs002 18 0 459m 18m 6108 S 19.6 0.4 42:10.06 java
26176 djbs002 15 0 12764 1040 760 R 2.0 0.0 0:00.04 top

From the above case we are sure that the process ID – 16361 is using 107.7% of the Cpu and this is the highest cpu using process. Now are are aware of which process is utilizing the Cpu high.
The above one was a Tomcat process.

2 .Not the next step is to find which threads in the java process are causing the high Cpu.
Execute “top -H -b -p 16361” to see the threads causing High Cpu where 16361 is the PID.

The above top command execute for every 2 seconds and shows the results on the console. We can also send the output to a file for later checking. Now when I execute the above command I see,

top - 23:03:01 up 42 days, 3:37, 2 users, load average: 6.52, 6.62, 6.77
Tasks: 46 total, 3 running, 43 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 98.7%us, 0.3%sy, 0.0%ni, 0.0%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.7%si, 0.3%st
Mem: 4194304k total, 4034004k used, 160300k free, 806884k buffers
Swap: 4194296k total, 52k used, 4194244k free, 926504k cached

17997 djbs002 25 0 941m 244m 9.9m R 33.2 6.0 24:20.73 java
17998 djbs002 25 0 941m 244m 9.9m R 33.2 6.0 24:31.29 java
18000 djbs002 25 0 941m 244m 9.9m R 32.2 6.0 24:30.46 java

The above is a extract from the top command output. I observed the above command for a couple of minute and found that the above 3 threads are causing high Cpu usage. Notice that these belong to the process ID 16361.So these 3 threads in process 16361 are causing the process to use high Cpu.

Since we got the threads we need to find what these threads are.

We can also use watch "ps -eLo pid,ppid,tid,pcpu,comm | grep 16361" to see the threads

3.Take a Thread dumps for the above process 16361 using
jstack -l 16361

now once we got the thread dump , we need to find the thread and from where it was started.
Since there are 3 threads that are causing the high Cpu , let find them

4.Convert the Thread ID to hex decimal.
In order to find the exact thread that belong to thread ID , we need to first convert them in hex decimal so that we can search them in the thread dump.

A little shell script will do this for us
write a shell script “” with contents

printf "dec -> hex: %d = %x \n" ${1} ${1}

save it .

Now when we run the shell script by passing the Thread ID like

./ 17997
dec -> hex: 17997 = 464d

The result was 464d. Now search the Thread Dump for the nid value.

"Thread-55" daemon prio=10 tid=0x0a2e3000 nid=0x464d runnable [0xc1aad000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at java.lang.StrictMath.atan(Native Method)
at java.lang.Math.atan(
at org.apache.jsp.HighCPU_jsp$

The TID is thead id and NID is: Native thread ID. This ID is highly platform dependent. It's the NID in jstack thread dumps.

Since the Thread Stack trace I got says that the thread that has been started from class was causing the thread to use high Cpu.

Now I would ask the Developer team to check the code for any possible Issues

Happy learning