
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts

While working with bash terminal, we are sometimes needed with keyboard shortcuts which can make our work easier. Here is a list of keyboard shortcuts that I use

Ctrl + w   : clears back upto white space
Crtl + y    :  Paste Recently Cleared Text
Ctrl + l     : Clear the screen , re-printing the current line on screen
Ctrl + s     : searched forward through the history
Ctrl + r     : reverse search
Ctrl + a    : Go to begin of the line
Ctrl + e     : End of the line
Ctrl + b     : Go back one character
Ctrl + f     : forward one character
Ctrl + p    : go back through the previous history
Ctrl + f      : go forward through the previous history
Alt +  b     : back word by Word
Alt +  f      : Forward word by word
Alt +  c     : capitalize character