Twiddle is a command line tool provided by JBoss to communicate with the JMX server instance. Twiddle tool can be used to get information about the beans, server and also to get and set values to the attributes. We can also use twiddle to invoke various operations.
The tool is available in JBOSS_HOME/bin directory. We can either use or twiddle.bat.Twiddle provides an extensive help system. Open a command...
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Securing a Datasource in JBoss AS [EWP]
JBoss allows us to configure data sources by using an xml file. For configuring a data source in JBoss view here.
An excerpt from the (Datasource)-ds.xml,
<jndi-name>StudentDB</jndi-name><connection-url>jdbc:odbc:mySource</connection-url><!-- The driver class --><driver-class>sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver</driver-class><!-- The login and password --><user-name>jagadesh</user-name><password>jagadesh</password>
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