
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Flex Http Service

Flex was one of the best framework for developing RIA [ Rich Internet Applications ]. it provides many inbuilt capabilites for connecting to various back end systems including Http and SOAP based web-services. in this article , we will see how we can connect to a java servlet using flex HttpService.this service does not require...
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Thursday, May 6, 2010


Adobe Flex, one of the most used tool for developing RIA [Rich Internet Applications]. Flex is not only a User interface provider but a robust framework that handles enterprise integration and communication. BlazeDS is a open source software that provides effective integration for flex and java.What is BlazeDS?BlazeDS is open source...
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Monday, May 3, 2010

Working With Weblogic Startup & Shutdown classes

There is many times where an application needs to get global data to perform some sort of functionality. They may use the global data which may contain many parameters like jms , jdbc , connection pool information which will be used while serving to the client requests. These sorts of global data, frequently used data should be kept in somewhere easily accessed by application. The Best place is to place them in JNDI [Java Naming...
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Weblogic Deployment Plan

A deployment plan Is a plain xml document that defines a application deployment configurations that are specific for a weblogic server environment such as Production, Test and Development. The deployment plan exists outside of the application archive and will override the configurations specified by the application descriptors. We can use the deployment plan to easily change the configurations from production to test and...
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