
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Web Logic Tips

Web logic Server Over Load Protection
A Node in weblogic can be in any during its working. Web logic allows us to tune the server when the state of the server goes to a Over-Load State

A running server instance can fail as a result of out-of-memory exceptions or stuck application threads, or if one or more critical services become dysfunctional. A server instance monitors its health, and upon detecting that one or more critical subsystems are unstable, it declares itself FAILED.

We can make web logic to perform a specific action when the Server State goes to Failed or Over-Load State.

To Configure → Go to Servers → Choose a Server → Choose Over Load on the left pane.

We can configure various options on how the servers responds for various issues

Light Weight Container
Starting a Light Weight container with weblogic is very easy. normally when a web logic servers is started , the server type is wls . This server type basically starts all types of servers , but when we start the weblogic server with wlx options the server starts in a light weight mode.

The "wlx" option starts a server instance that excludes the following services, making for a lighter weight runtime footprint:

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
Java EE Connecter Architecture (JCA)
Java Message Service (JMS)

Just pass the “-DserverType=wlx “ to the Script

Bind IP address to Web Logic Servers
There are cases where we need to run a web logic server by binding it to a specific IP address. This helps in case when we have multiple web logic server instances running on same machine which has multiple network interfaces.

there is a way in weblogic that allows to get the ip address of the weblogic instance

First, you should bind the address as follows:

java -msXXm -mxXXm … weblogic.Server

Open Multiple admin consoles Of Web Logic in same browser
There are cases where we need to open multiple admin consoles in a same browser. In some cases , when we open multiple web browsers the user will be logged out.

If one console is opened in firefox and another in IE, it does not logout.

This is due to a Cookie used by the admin console. The cookie is ADMINCONSOLESESSION.When 2 same cookies of the browser then there is a conflict. This can be eliminated by

Go to admin-console → domain → configuration → General → advanced

Edit the Console Cookie Name of ADMINCONSOLESESSION to something else.
Save changes and restart.

More Still To Come , Happy Learning